Tuesday, April 4, 2017

My history

Hi blogers<3
It is my second post and now i will tell from my life...

My name is Claudio Moscoso I`m 19 years old, i living in buin, Santiago de chile where same i was born and live with my mother, her name is Roxana Flores. Have a one brother his name is Alejandro Moscoso and 3 nephew... and one dog called fifo. My life is relaxed, i am student of forerstry in university from chile and dedicate great fraction of my time in this.

 I like going out to party`s, practice downhill in mountainbike and motorcycles when have the oportunity, love eat and sleep much. Also i like talk about from universe, politics and very very themes from everything...

This is brief description from my life... the wait for another oportunity, god bye!


  1. The sports that you practics are so dangerous, I recommend you use protection in your head, legs and arms for more security.

  2. Nice "El Caquitoo" i like doing downhill too! i dont know if someone told you that in 26'Hill there is an air jump! Check it out!
    Cya bro!

  3. Caquito i like the sport your practic and share pleasure of sleep.

  4. yeah Claudio!i am also from chile!, and i like your style live , me too.
    we need hang out with
    see you later Elcaquito

  5. good sport and that is a great picture


My blogging Experience

Hellow bloggers ! It's the end of the semester,  As we all know, the experience in this first semester course was quite pleasant, rewa...